PD7 [out] BLUE LED (1s alive blink)
PD6 [in] ICP; ADXL x-axis (8535:pin20)
PD3 [in] INT1. _WAKEUP (8535:pin17)
PD2 INT0. (8535:pin16)
PD1 [out] UART TXD (8535:pin15)
PD0 [in] UART RXD (8535:pin14)
PC7 [in] 32678 Hz Crystal
PC6 [out] 32678 Hz Crystal
PC5 [i/o] I2C Data (8535:pin27)
PC4 [i/o] I2C Clk (8535:pin26)
PC3 [out] LCD_PWR (8535:pin25)
PC2 [out] LCD_CHARGE_PUMP2 (8535:pin24)
PC1 [out] LCD_CHARGE_PUMP1 (8535:pin23)
PC0 [out] LCD_CHARGE_PUMP0 (8535:pin22)
PB7 [in] SCK (8535:pin8)
PB6 [out] MISO (8535:pin7)
PB5 [in] MOSI (8535:pin6)
PB3 [in] AIN1;(ADXL Power / 2) (8535:pin4)
PB2 [in] AIN0; ADXL y-axis (8535:pin3)
PB1 [out] ADXL Power (8535:pin2)
PB0 [out] RED LED (on if CPU clock is on, off is CPU is in power save)
PA6 (8535:pin34)
PA2 [out] Vref supply (8535:pin38)
PA1 [ain] VLCD Meas (8535:pin39)
PA0 [ain] Vcc measure (8535:pin40)
Wait for interupt (oscillator and core is running).
Go to powersave. Oscillator and core is stopped. Only Async Timer 2 and Int0/Int1 can wake CPU.
Go to idle (oscillator is running, core is sleeping).
Init all port to input with enabled pull up to avoid current draw at power down.
Init CPU.
+-----o Vbatt | R1 # - # } Vr1 | + +---------o Vmeas | R2 # +- # | | --- Vlcd o---+ GND ADC_LCD_V_MEAS = ADC_VBATT + ADC_LCD_V_R1 ADC_LCD_V_R1 = (ADC_LCD_V_LCD - ADC_VBATT) * (ADC_LCD_R1 / (ADC_LCD_R1 + ADC_LCD_R2)) => (ADC_LCD_R1 + ADC_LCD_R2) * (ADC_LCD_V_MEAS - ADC_VBATT) = ADC_LCD_R1 * (ADC_LCD_V_LCD - ADC_VREF) => ADC_LCD_V_LCD = ((ADC_LCD_R1 + ADC_LCD_R2) * (ADC_LCD_V_MEAS - ADC_VBATT)) / ADC_LCD_R1 + ADC_VBATT
Waits for the transmitter to be ready then outputs the character |
Waits until a character becomes available then sets |